Saturday, March 26, 2011

Birthday Weekend

Birthday Weekend

...well my birthday was March 12th, but i really did not celebrate it until last weekend.  Iain was  going to be staying with  me that weekend.

When Iain arrived, i went downstairs to help out.  When i opened the door, i immediately Master C.  My jaw dropped.  i was not expecting Sir at all, and was deeply shocked and moved.

After getting settled, we went to diner.  i got a chance to serve, and enjoyed it, though had trouble addressing Sir as Sir, since it was a muggle (non leather) place.  We came back, and told Sir that i could not go, because i only got 2 hrs of sleep the night before, and wanted to make sure Sat was more awake.  Sir agreed and Sir and Iain went to the bar.

On Sat, woke up in the traditional manor, but could not finish because i had to get to work. And left Sir and Iain to sleep..and?!!??!?! hehehe

The last hour of work, i get a text

            When you get home, wake us up with our dicks in your mouth!

HOLY FUCK SNORT....that last hour was difficult to pay attention at work!!!

i got home, and Sir and Iain were sleeping, and as i looked, they were straddling pillows!!! FUCK, how am i going to do this????  So long story short, i got Sir into a position , and started to go :p   Sir told me later that he was asleep until he felt my mouth.

I was still a bit tired and requested a rest.  and slept for an hour.  We got up and went to diner.  The place i wanted to go to was no longer there, however, we went to this Chinese restaurant.  THE FOOD WAS GREAT, and was ordered to wear a bib (DOH)...but then again i was a bit messier then usual)

After diner, we went to the Hayloft for the MLS/b contest.  Sir put on cuffs and locks as well as a posture collar on me.  i broke down.  it was something i wanted for a very long time.  During the night, i was in service to Master C.  and i really enjoyed it.  i was in the background, but was there when Sir needed me....and that’s what i enjoy.   Later on, Sir added the leash and led me around.....whimper, really liked that.

Sir was getting tired, so we went to get something to eat, and went to bed.

In the morning, the situation of wake up happened again :P

Sir had Iain sleep some more, and ordered me to get a shower.   When i came out, Sir had these tight ass chaps on (HOLY FUCKING COW) and ordered me against the post.  Sir started to flog for a little bit.  He then went to the whips.  As Sir wiped me, i felt at home and enjoyed myself.  Sir then ordered me to count.  1,2,3,4......when i got to 34, the feelings got more intense..... i knew what the whippings were for.... 35!!!! My age.  At that final stroke, endorphins came in and i shouted (THANK YOU SIR, MAY I HAVE ANOTHER!!!))) Sir said no, and came up to me and kissed me.  That kiss was very intense and very emotional to me.   Sir provided after care, and when i settled down, i became very kid like and showed Sir some thing i received from my grandparents.

i made breakfast, and unfortunately, they had to leave...... i saw them off....and i missed them both!!!!

me with the leash

Master C and i

Leather Title Holder Family Pic
Master C (ECLS 2011), myself (NABB2008), boy iain (ECLb 2011) and former Sir

My birthday wipping